The kids and I went to church today with Josh. It is off base in a tiny alley in Misawa. The building looks like an office building with a steeple. There is an elevator inside and instead of pews, we have padded folding chairs in the chapel. We noticed some differences from what we are used to. The ward is called a unit instead of a ward and the stake, usually a larger geographic area composed of many wards, is the entire of Japan. All of the English speaking wards are in one stake from bottom to top. This means that the Stake President travels between units for all matters of business that needs to be conducted. The most important things were the same though. I love that all wards or units are conducted the same throughout the world. We are able to look up our ward or unit on, show up at the assigned time, and we know what to expect. We are looking forward to this unit becoming our family as we are so far away from ours.
New church building in Misawa |
Veiw of our backyard green space and common area from our bedroom window |
Visit to the Hachinohe shrine where we got to learn about another religion, Shinto. I want to show my kids other ways to believe and worship God so that they can understand many facets of the culture they are living in. |
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