100 Top Military Wife Blogs

Friday, October 27, 2017


We traveled to the northern coastal tip of Aomoi Prefecture to see the lighthouse and the wild horses there.  Unfortunately the horses were not roaming in the area that day but we did find some in a field and this was good enough for Pants.

Pants is our horsey girl
We traveled into the center of the prefecture to enjoy Osorezan, a Buddhist sacred valley surrounded by eight mountain peaks.  At the center of the valley is Lake Usori.  The eight peaks represent the eight petals of the lotus flower and this is one of the three most sacred sites in Japan. People travel to this site to seek peace and salvation for deceased relatives, the hope of reuniting with loved ones, and deepen faith.  People who live in this region have developed the belief that everyone will go to Osorezan after death.  The area is rich in volcanic activity, and a strong smell of sulfur permeates the air. The ground is gray and barren and marked by openings that steam, bubble and blow hot water.  We found the area a marvel because of the contradicting blue water lake and grey sulfur ground.