100 Top Military Wife Blogs

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The kind soul looking out for Military kids

We live in base housing at Nellis Air Force base so my kids attend the base school, Lomie Heard Elementary.  There is a kind and very generous man who takes care of the kids at Lomie Heard.  Every year each child at Lomie Heard receives a new pair of shoes and socks from him.  The kids were thrilled to come home with new shoes in November. The other amazing service he does is dress up as Santa and gives each of the kids a present.  I had heard about this and could not really fathom this generosity.  I was lucky enough to be at the school for this assembly on Friday.  Mr. Ellis, dressed as Santa, told the kids that they were appreciated because their parents fight to protect the freedoms we all enjoy. Then he asked them if they had all been good this year. When they all screamed, "Yes!", he opened the curtain to the stage where there were stacks of toys covering the entire stage.  I was completely overwhelmed by this.  It made me quite emotional.  I could not believe the generosity of such a kind man.  The kids lined up grade by grade to receive their present.  The gifts were good quality toys and the kids were thrilled.  They walked with their toys through a line of airmen who gave them high fives.  I felt privileged to have seen such an awesome event.  There are some amazing people in this world who provide an example to us all.  
Gingerbread house decorating

"Dress like a Candy Cane" day at school