100 Top Military Wife Blogs

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Bittersweet process of moving

The other day I went to help at my son's Kindergarten class.  His teacher is my good friend as she is in our ward.  It was bittersweet talking with her about the process of our move.  When I walked out of the class, I started to wonder why the feelings of loss.  I had the distinct impression that my family would be missed.  This is because we have involved ourselves in this neighborhood and ward.  We have used our talents and skills to help others.  We have enjoyed our callings and the associations that they have brought.  We have hosted a summer talent show for the neighborhood which has brought laughter and good memories.  We have been involved in school and community events.  I have taught ballet, yoga, and Zumba in my home, a great convenience for my neighbors.  None of these things are extraordinary and many around us are doing the very same things.  It is ironic that involving ourselves in our neighborhood and ward is the very thing that makes it so hard to leave.  If we were to stay in our homes, never meet anyone, never share any talents or skills, it would be really easy to move on.  So even though this time of involvement is adding to heartache now, I would not trade it for the life of a hermit.  I will continue to treasure the memories that we have created as we move on to create new ones.  This is a picture of our family when we first moved to our Springville home, August, 2009.


  1. I saw Nora in the Scottie dog dress today. She is growing up so fast and looks like Tessa. Brookside will definitely miss all of you! We are glad you were here for a little while. Thanks for all your service to our children and your friendship. Like I said, we will visit Vegas!

  2. Well, now I'm crying. You will definitely be missed and I'm so grateful for all you've given us.

  3. Now I'm crying too! You guys will definitely be missed! I, however, will be in Vegas, at least 2 or 3 times a year. I'm excited for you all to embark on your new adventure, even though I know it will leave a void in the ward/neighborhood.

  4. I, too, am sad and will miss you both. But I wish you wonderful experiences in your new adventure. I'm happy you will be able to touch the lives of others in the world; how lucky they are! And I'm so happy for the promise your future holds. I hope the stress is greatly reduced and you have so much fun. I'm grateful that the internet will allow us to still keep track of you. You'll need to spend a little more time updating facebook. And you will always be a part of us and welcomed back whenever the opportunity arises. Love and prayers going with you!
