100 Top Military Wife Blogs

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

From Mr. to Captain

Today Josh received his commission as a United States Air Force Captain. He was sworn in by raising his right hand, standing next to an American Flag.  He repeated the oath of office and signed lots of official documents.  We were lucky to have support from my mom, Josh's dad, and his grandmother.  The recruiter, Master Sargent Grant, told us that Josh has been very professional to work with.  He said that Josh's application was submitted past the deadline by mistake.  The three applicants from across the entire country were already selected.  Josh's application was reviewed at the specific request of Master Sargent Grant and was selected in place of someone else.  It makes us feel completely blessed and definitely in awe.  We have a lot to be grateful for today.


  1. Wow, what a back-story! The Lord is watching out for you guys. We are so happy for you!

  2. Congratulations! What a cool moment. I'm so glad you have pictures.

  3. So excited for you guys! Is it appropriate to salute you now?

    1. I think we lay people do not have to worry about saluting. It will be strange for me to see someone salute him the first time!
