The Netherlands
On November 16th, three Saturdays before December 5th, we put our shoes on the fireplace for Sinterklass to fill with treats. Each Saturday leading up the 5th, we repeated this fun.
December 5th is Christmas Eve in the Netherlands. Families get together for a special dinner and hot chocolate. After dinner, they find chocolate letters under the tree left by Sinterclass as well as anonymous gifts to each other. We were lucky to have my mom in Enid for the December 5th festivities.
We did our best with the Welch traditions. The families in Wales will stay up all night making taffy and wassail while awaiting a 3-6am sing along at the church Christmas morning. We made the treats but did them during waking hours. Our wassail was tasty but our taffy was green mint goo. I guess my Welch heritage does not mean I am an expert candy maker.
Merry Christmas from our ancestral heritage!