This last weekend I attended Time Out for Women in Las Vegas. It is a weekend conference for LDS women with uplifting music and speakers. The theme of the conference was, "Inevitable Light." We were asked to think about our gifts of the spirit and this conference answered questions for me that I have been pondering and wrestling with a long time. Since I have moved here to Las Vegas, I have constantly questioned what I have been spending my time on. I am always concerned that I teach yoga and Zumba too much and that I take too much time away from my family in pursuit of my skills. The conference asked us to stop when we feel happy and fulfilled. What are we doing that moment? We may be using one of our gifts. Last Thursday in my yoga class at the Warrior Fitness Center on base, I had a very clear moment where I was watching the students and I thought, "I am so happy teaching and I am good at this." I feel this all the time when I teach. I love watching people make changes in their bodies and walk out of class feeling uplifted. So why do I question that what I am doing is good? I know that one of my gifts is teaching with my talents, whether that be with my physical abilities, or with my musical abilities. And I have always been a teacher. When I was three years old in my first tap recital, I stopped dancing to show all the other kids the right moves. Most likely I was just being bossy, but I was trying to teach. We are not given gifts only to shove them away for another time when it may seem like we are not so busy. That is one of our challenges in this life, what to do with the time that we have been given. I believe that we are supposed to use our gifts to benefit the kingdom. If I can help someone enjoy the gift of their body or clear their minds of distractions so that the spirit can enter in, then I am benefiting the kingdom of God.
Happy Halloween! |
Gilcrease Orchard- I am so glad we found this place. Not only does it feel a little bit like Utah, but I have a place where I can get fruits and vegetable to can next year. |
Bear's new braces! |
Hiking at Red Rock Canyon on Veteran's Day |
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