100 Top Military Wife Blogs

Friday, November 23, 2018

Cultural Night- Botswana

Botswana Cultural Night
Date: 11/11

Guests: Grandma and Grandpa T

Food: Seswaa (national food of Botswana) https://ethnicfoodsrus.com/around-the-world-recipes/african-cuisine/botswana-cuisine/seswaa/, Lemon and condensed milk biscuits https://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/lemon-and-condensed-milk-biscuits-botswana-478869, Malva Pudding https://www.internationalcuisine.com/malva-pudding/, spinach, carrots.  Watermelon is believed to have originated in Botsawa but it is out of season in Japan unfortunately.

Music: From YouTube traditional dance and choir music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IWtqzGPqmA

Flag and Geography: Botswana Flag coloring page https://www.crayola.com/free-coloring-pages/print/botswana-coloring-page/.  We researched the meaning of the flag.  It was adopted in 1966 to replace the Union Jack flag and has been the flag of the country since they gained independence in that year.

Weather or Landscape: The country largely has a desert and safari landscape.  The Kalahari desert runs through the country.

Animals: The Zebra is the national animal of Botswana.  They raise cattle in the country and tourists can go on Safari there to see the animals in their natural habitats.

Language:Tswana lesson on YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bUKw1e_u6U

Traditional Village
Botswana Innovation- Rooftop garden
Famous People: Seretse Khama- He was the first President of Botswana after the country gained independence.  I like to read the Ladies No 1 Detective Agency books that take place in Botswana.  To me, Precious and Grace are famous people and good friends.

Art: We saw many images of weaving, pottery and bright colored art. 

Traditional clothing:

Botswana Agate

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Cultural Night- Chile

Chile Cultural Night

Date: 10/28/18

Guests: Smith family, friends from our Misawa Military Ward

Music: Chilean Anden Music Part 1   //www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBuj_3bNeo4  The music is my favorite part of the night.  I like to have the music on while I cook to get myself in the mood.

Flag and Geography: The kids always like to color the flag of the country and we always find the country on the globe to get an idea of its surroundings. https://www.crayola.com/free-coloring-pages/print/chile-coloring-page/

Weather and Landscape: The country is long and narrow so the landscape and weather varied from desert, lush and green, to cold and ice capped.

Language: We played a Spanish language game in one of our favorite sites. http://www.digitaldialects.com/Spanish.htm

Architecture: It is always interesting to see the difference between traditional and contemporary architecture in the country.
Josh and I recognized this contemporary building from a Netflix documentary, World's Most Extraordinary Homes

Concepcion Chile Temple- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Valparaiso colorful traditional homes- Unesco World Heritage Site
 Famous People: Lots of football (soccer in the US) players that I do not know

Art: Our google search brought up lots of street art in Valparaiso.  This was my favorite:

Traditional clothing: