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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Turkey Cultural Night

Turkey Cultural Night

Date: 5/28/2018

Guests: Parkinson family

Food: We enjoyed the Turkish restaurant just outside the main gate in Misawa.  It was nice for me to just go out and not have to worry about trying to make the food authentic.

Music: I downloaded some traditional Turkish music from iTunes.  I always like it when I can use the music in my yoga classes later.  The music portion of the night is my favorite part.

Flag: We colored the page: http://www.crayola.com/free-coloring-pages/print/turkey-nation-coloring-page/.  We always like to see where the country is in reference to Japan as that is where we live now.  Turkey is the bridge from Asia to Europe as it touches the borders of both.

Weather and Landscape: Google images.  It is more of a desert climate than I realized.

Animals: Google images brought up a lot of turkeys which I do not think are native to the country.  We often wonder how accurate our "research" is.  Our google searches often make us laugh.

Language: We took a fun test with the site: https://lp.babbel.com/d/ENG_index.html?l1=ENG&l2=TUR&ch=ORG.  The kids had a good time guessing the phrases and trying to copy the pronunciation.

Architecture: I love the shapes and designs of roof tops around the world.

Art: I love the Turkish lamps and I have purchased four pieces since we have moved to Japan.  I love the colored lights shining through the glass and the beautiful designs.
We noticed the artist designs on the dishware at the restaurant as well.

Traditional Clothing: