We have been in our home on Nellis AFB for one year now and it has been a time of introspection. Things in Las Vegas are very different for me than they were in Springville, Utah. Mostly, I feel that my time is running through a sieve constantly and I am running to keep up. A lot of this is due to my choices. I choose to drive for 45 min to get to ballet across the valley because I value classical instruction for my children. I choose to teach seven yoga classes and one ballet class a week because they feeds my physical body and my soul. I choose to take my kids to Kumon Learning Center 25min from home because I saw a deficit and I value their education. This added an hour's work of homework every day, all summer long, and will continue in the school year. All of these things take time and I find myself constantly analyzing what kind of mother I am and who I want to be for my family.
I recently read,
Real Moms: Making it Up As We Go by Lisa Valentine Clark, an LDS author. She made me laugh, cry, and cheer as I read. I have been craving someone to speak real life to me, not just encouraging platitudes. She understands that moms do "all the things" and sometimes we feel that we have to justify why we are busy. I wish we didn't. Her book did not really offer suggestions to this conundrum because it would be different for every woman, but it offered a perspective for me to ponder to determine what kind of mom I am and to be grateful for that. Sometimes I look at blogs and Facebook and I see all the good things that moms are doing for their families. I have to remember that these images are just one moment in time and usually the good moments. Just because my moments do not look like these, that does not mean I am any less of a mother, I am just a different mother.
I will probably never be a Pinterest mom. I love what Pinterest has to offer, I just do not tend to make time for it in my life. I am not the "crafty" mom. I am a mom who enjoys planning outings with my kids. I am always excited to find the local museum, art gallery, or factory tour that we can explore. I am the "field trip" mom. I am a mom who values physical activity. I love putting my kids in lessons. Currently that is ballet, kids classes at the YMCA, and soccer season is starting soon. I am the "active" mom. I am also the mom who cares about teaching my kids core values of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I try to stick those moments in wherever I can. I am the "Spiritual" mom. I value work and we work hard on our home because I like a clean place to think in. I want my kids to know that we all work together. I am the "working" mom. I am really good at keeping us on a schedule. I do have a hard time when we deviate from the schedule because I crave a sense of order. I am the "schedule" mom. Mostly, I am a real mom, making it up as I go.
Flamigo Habitat- Las Vegas, Flamingo Hotel |
Hogle Zoo, SLC, Utah |
Snowbird, Utah |
Payson Temple Open House, Payson, Utah |
Shark Reef, Las Vegas- Mandalay Bay |