Since we have moved to Las Vegas, I am constantly trying to evaluate if I am doing the right things for my kids. At first, I tried to live the way that we did in Springville, Utah which I quickly figured out was not going to work. In some ways, moving here has put me out of my comfort zone. I have entered a world of transition; people moving in and out monthly, a ward that completely changes every three months, neighbors and school teachers that I do not have a history with, etc. This is not the experience that I was raised with so it often feels foreign and my sense of "normal" has changed. That is why I think I am always questioning if I am making the right decisions. For instance, we travel 45 min each way to Tessa and Jonas' ballet class. It seems a hardship at times but there are positive things too. I get 1hr and 30min in the car with all three of my kids and we talk about all sorts of things. Yesterday the discussion was about Martin Luther King and the injustices that he brought to the forefront. Thanks to the three year old, Pants, that discussion diverged into our Savior as she said, "Jesus would not like us to be mean." It was a worthwhile discussion where we could share our values with each other and where I could get a glimpse into what the kids are learning in school. So, this is different from what I have been used to but not bad.
I also teach yoga and Zumba at different hours than I did in Springville. There I did a lot of teaching at home in the morning when my kids were still in bed. Here I teach in the morning two days a week, in the evening two days a week, and after school one day a week. I worried about this after school class that I took because I want the kids to have free time to play and be kids. At the YMCA where I teach, the kids can attend kid's gym together and CATCH, an exercise class like school PE, for the two hours while I teach. They are getting physical exercise, social interaction, structured active play, and time with each other. Different from our past experience but not bad. I worry about Pants attending the gym child care daily sometimes but she likes to go there. She likes playing with the other children and it eases my mind about providing her with socialization. I do not have time any more for play groups like I used to so she gets it in a different form. Different but not bad. Sometimes I miss the outings that we used to take during the day but I still make sure I spend two hours with her at the library weekly. Our outings have become the gym child care followed the library, the grocery store, a park on base, or biking on our circle. Time together doing anything is worthwhile. This life we have created here has become the new norm and it is different, not bad.
New Years Eve at Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah |
Breakfast with the Berger cousins. We love it when people visit us in Las Vegas! |
Thankgiving with the Turner's in Las Vegas |